Waubonsie Valley’s Model United Nations received the Outstanding Large Delegation Award at the St. Ignatius competition on Saturday.
The debate and diplomacy competition is one of the largest one-day high school competitions in the United States, with over 1,000 delegates from 30 different schools. The conference is comprised of traditional UN committees and various crisis committees.
Diya Menon, Riyaan Choksey, Nikhith Moningi and Ishan Datla earned Best Delegate distinction.
Rishab Navadgi and Ishaan Aggarwal earned Outstanding distinction.
Kelly Cong, Shraddha Hariharan, Yagnesh Lokesh, Ruhaan Mansukhani, Shruthi Muthiah, Eric Prakash, Saina Arora, Smayan Tayaland Sajiv Harikrishnan earned Honorable distinction.