On Thursday, January 10, freshmen through juniors will have the opportunity to explore elective options in preparation for registration for the 2019-2020 school year. During selected periods throughout the day, students will attend sessions that provide an overview of various elective & core courses. The purpose of Course Exchange Day is to allow students to learn about various class opportunities available at Waubonsie Valley and how those opportunities may tie into individual college and career goals.
Students can learn about courses and electives in Family and Consumer Sciences, Technology Education and Engineering, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education and English.
Click on the links below to see class presentations times and locations.
Period 1 | Period 5 |
Period 2 | Period 6 |
Period 3 | Period 7 |
Period 4 | Period 8 |
Home Access Center will be open for course selections to current WVHS students and families on January 15. Guidance counselors will meet with students to confirm requests January 28 through February 15.
For more information, visit wvhs.ipsd.org.