AURORA – The Indian Prairie School District 204 Board of Education will meet on Monday night through a virtual Zoom video conference call. On the agenda is the discussion for the possibility of the opening of school buildings in August for in-person learning.
The agenda item is listed as 9B for discussion. According to an IPSD survey sent out to parents in early July, choices were narrowed down to four options:
- Sending students to in-person school on certain days of the week (e.g., Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday). On the days students are not in school, they would be learning at home.
- Sending students to in-person school one week and then remote learning at home the next week (e.g., Week A is in -person at school each day, Week B is remote learning at home each day).
- Sending students to school five days a week, for either in-person morning or in-person afternoon sessions, Monday through Friday.
- Having students participate in remote learning at home full-time every day.
The virtual meeting will be on Monday, July 13 at 7:00 p.m. Interested parties can view the meeting here via Zoom with the six-digit password 050359.
For more information on the virtual meeting or to find out how to comment publicly, visit www.ipsd.org.