17 May 2016

WVHS 2nd Cardboard Regatta:  On Wednesday, May 18th at 2:30 pm, WVHS will hold its 2nd Annual Cardboard Regatta.  This boat race features several 2-person boats made entirely out of cardboard and duct tape.  All are welcome to watch the race.  Seating is limited to the upper viewing area in the WVHS pool.
American Red Cross Club:  We have our final celebration meeting of the year on May 18th in Room 112. We will discuss final details of the blood drive and election results. Donuts will be provided. See you there!
WVHS PTA – Fontano’s Sub Day – May 18th:  It’s a very busy time of year.   WVHS PTA is here to help!  WVHS PTA has partnered with Fontano’s Subs.  Stop in anytime on Wednesday, May 18th and mention WVHS PTA when you place your order.  Fontano’s subs will donate 20% of WVHS PTA sales back to the PTA!  Enjoy a delicious sandwich and give back to the PTA.  Thanks for supporting the WVHS PTA!
Senior Brunch:  Senior Brunch is May 25th at Two Brothers Roundhouse in Aurora from 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM.  Permission forms and $20 payment (checks made payable to “WVHS”) are due by Wednesday, May 18th, and returned to the House of 2016.  Starting on May 19th, late registration will be taken until spots are filled and/or until May 24th at 3:00 pm at a cost of $30 cash only.  Dress is casual and jeans are acceptable.  A WV Photo ID is required for entry.  No outside guests are allowed.  There will be NO sales at the door.
Last GEMS Meeting!   Come join us for the last GEMS meeting of the year Thursday, May, 19th! We will test our solar cookers, discuss next year and eat! Meet in Room 179 at 2:30 pm, see you there!
WV German and French Club – Ice Cream Party:  WV German and French clubs will have a combined ice-cream-shaped-like-spaghetti party for the end of the year. Come to the foods lab on Thursday at 2:30 pm for the fun!
2016-17 Parking Permits:  2016-17 Parking Permits — Due to limited space, parking at Waubonsie Valley High School is available to Seniors and Juniors only during the 2016-17 school year.  Permits will go on sale for 2017 Seniors only beginning Monday, May 16th.  Juniors can purchase permits in August.  Directions for purchase and application can be found on the WVHS website. (http://wvhs.ipsd.org//uploads/About/2016-17_Student_Parking.pdf)
Drama Picnic:   Hey Theatre Kids…  Come out next Monday, May 23rd from 4-6 p.m. for an awesome time with friends, food, and awards to celebrate our successful year together.  In order to be eligible for awards, you must attend shop clean-up EITHER May 19th OR May 20th. 
Look for the flyer on Theatre website for information about what to bring. Questions… check out our Theatre website and Twitter!
Summer Book Checkout:  Students and staff can check out up to FIVE books from the LMC during the week of May 23rd. These books can be kept for the entire summer and will not be due back until the end of August when school resumes. Take advantage of the summer months to enjoy some fun, free reading and keep your brain sharp in process.
Parking for Finals Week:  Congratulations to the Class of 2016!  And for the rest of us, BRING ON FINALS WEEK!  On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23rd, 24th and 25th, the student lot will be OPEN PARKING for any student that chooses to drive to school.  However, please be aware that you will be a part of a trial run for our NEW DISMISSAL PRACTICES.  NO STUDENT DRIVERS will be dismissed from the parking lot until AFTER the buses have been released approximately 8 minutes after the dismissal bell.  We will also be introducing a new traffic flow for dismissal.  Please follow staff instructions when exiting the parking lot. On Thursday, 5/26, the parking lot will need to be reserved for Seniors attending graduation practice and juniors possessing a parking permit.  Please be considerate of our 2016 Seniors and do not drive and park on campus if you do not possess a WV parking permit.  NO DAILY PERMITS WILL BE SOLD!
Warrior Summer Boys’ Football Camp – Registration is Open: Attention all boys who want to play high school football at Waubonsie Valley next fall – 2016: Sign up now to be a part of the Warrior Summer Football program which includes a 5-week team camp and multiple 7 on 7 & Lineman competitions in June and July. Cost is $175 plus we offer a Strength Training & Speed Training camp as well. Cost is $100. You can view all of the details and register online or mail it in at wvhswarriorfootball.weebly.com. If you have any questions, contact Coach Paul Murphy at 630-375-3556 orpaul_murphy@ipsd.org. We look forward to a great summer! Go Warriors!
Girls Volleyball: Calendar for summer girls volleyball open gym, lifting/conditioning, and camps is now available. Please stop by Coach Galen’s room (204) to get your copy. Calendars are in the folder outside the door.
Going to China to See the Great Wall!!:  Summer Camp in China in July!  Waubonsie Valley High School World Languages Department is organizing a summer camp in China in Beijing and Xi’an from July 9-23, 2016. We will immerse ourselves in the Chinese language and cultural environment in Beijing for 10 days and visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other cultural sites in and around the city.  We will also travel to Xi’an for two days to see Terra cotta soldiers and other sites in this ancient capital of China.  The cost is $2500 and you need to have a valid passport.  If interested, please contact Ms. Liu at 630-375-3300 x 4016 or wei_liu@ipsd.org before May 17th with $200 deposit and a copy of the first page of your passport. Come and join us to visit China!!
Pre-Order Your 2016 WVHS Graduation DVDs:  WVTV students will be video recording WVHS’ 2016 Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 29, at the NIU Convocation Center. The public can purchase DVDs of the event for $20 apiece. All proceeds from DVD sales will go toward WVTV for the purchase and repair of media equipment for students.  The DVDs make a great gift or keepsake for graduates or family and friends who either are unable to attend the event or would like to relive the memory.  Pre-order DVDs by visiting: http://wvhs.ipsd.org/uploads/About/graduation/2016-Grad_DVD_order_form.pdf   Print and fill out the form, and follow the mailing instructions on the form. Customers may also purchase DVDs at one of several WVTV tables in the lobby of the NIU Convocation Center on Graduation Day.  For more information on purchasing 2016 WVHS Graduation DVDs, call 630-375-3248 or e-mail wvtv@ipsd.org.
Summer Girls’ Basketball Camp – Registration Open: Attention all girls who want to play high school basketball at Waubonsie Valley in 2016-17:  Sign up now to be a part of the Lady Warriors Summer Basketball program which includes a 4-week team camp and several summer shootouts in June, as well as a 5-day intense shooting camp in July. Details are as follows:  June Team Camp (incl. shootouts) = $200 due May 20
July Shooting Camp = $50 due June 30. 
SUMMER PACKAGE DEAL: Register for the full summer program by May 20 and pay only $225 (savings of $25).  A complete summer program description, including the mail-in registration form and a full calendar, can be downloaded here. Or you can view all the details and register online at www.warriorhoops.org. If you have any questions, contact Coach David Owles at 630-375-3300, ext. 4007 or david_owles@ipsd.org. We look forward to a great summer! Go Warriors!
Order Premiere Literary Magazine:  Premiere, Waubonsie’s literary magazine is a student-created, annual publication that features the writing, poetry, photography, and art of our very talented student body.  Since 2010, our magazine has received awards from the National Council of Teachers of English for excellence in presentation and quality of the work presented. The 15-16 edition of Premiere can be ordered now— magazines are $10 each and can be paid for with cash or checks made out to WVHS.  Please visit: http://goo.gl/forms/G0KEwjiV85. The 2015 – 2016 edition will be distributed before May 20th to your student through his/her English class. Questions? Contact: jen_kastner@ipsd.org or liz_fay@ipsd.org.
2016 Spring Final Exams SchedulePlease click the links below to download the 2016 Spring Finals schedule and additional information regarding final exam procedures.2016 Spring Final Exam Schedule (pdf)  2016 Spring Final Exam Details – Students/Parents (pdf)
Dress Donation Day – May 26th:  The Valley Runway is set to launch at all three District 204 high schools. This program will gather new and gently-used prom, homecoming, and formal dresses and accessories to be presented to low-income high school juniors and seniors next year. Families are encouraged to bring their donated items to the Auditorium Concessions area between 7 am and 1 pm during the collection date on Thursday, May 26. The Valley Runway is a collaborative program hosted by the Metea Valley PTSA, Neuqua Valley PTSA and Waubonsie Valley PTA. Information on distribution of items collected will be available next school year.
Attention Juniors – Illinois Immunization Requirement — There is an Illinois immunization requirement for school year 2016-2017 for all seniors. Prior to starting senior year (12th grade) students are required to submit proof of having 2 meningococcal immunizations after 10 years of age and at least 8 weeks apart. If the first dose is received after the age of 16 only one dose is required. Please submit this information to the health office as soon as possible. For your convenience, you are welcome to have the physician fax the information to us at 630-375-3352 or scan/email tobecky_piegore@ipsd.org.  If there are questions or concerns, please contact us at 630-375-3350.
2016 Warrior Summer Camp Information:  Individual forms for specific sports may be found on the WV website by clicking on the left sidebar tab labeled “Summer Camps (Sports)” or reached directly at this link: WV Summer Sports Camps.
STEM CampUSA Registration:
Waubonsie Valley & Metea Valley High Schools
Camp 1: June 6th-9th Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

Camp 2: June 13th-16th Sessions 6, 7, 8, & 9

STEM Camp – Explore
4th-8th Grades Camp: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Sessions 1 & 6 Metea Valley HS

Sessions 2 & 7 Waubonsie Valley HS

8th – 12th Grades Camp: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Session 4 Waubonsie Valley HS

Session 8 Metea Valley HS

Daily design challenges will be used to enhance problem-based STEM skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. 3-D CAD Design, CNC Machining, Electrical Circuits, Lasers, Structures, and 3D Printing will be introduced. Students will create designs, build prototypes, test, and evaluate their results.

STEM Camp – Challenge**
4th-8th Grades Camp: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Sessions 3 AEA Metea Valley HS

8th- 12th Grades Camp: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Session 5 Digital & Beyond Metea Valley HS

Session 9 3D D & 3DP Waubonsie Valley

**Campers must have attended an Explore Camp

Aerospace Engineering Adventure –AEA-Camp is engineering focused on rockets and rovers

3D Design & 3D Printing-3D D & 3DP Camp is engineering focused 3D design and product creation

From Analog to Digital and Beyond is engineering focused on the power of electricity.

All camps will help develop high level critical thinking and problem solving skills.

To Register: Use this link to register online
http://tinyurl.com/z6k7hxp and fill out email response form and mail it to the address provided. COST: $200.00.  Make check payable to: The Feulner Group.  Camp Instructors: Mr. Skorup, Mr. Feulner, Mr. Terronez, and other staff are all experts in the field of STEM education.