by Logan Williams; Reporter for The Beat

A club at Waubonsie allows students to explore their creativity and passion
for writing.
“What Creative Writing Club means to me is a group of people just like yourself and really exploring ideas of writing,” said junior Constatine Economou. “It could be about anything. There are no reset boundaries and that’s what really what makes it so much fun is that you can write about anything.”
“I think it’s a place where some people can share their opinions and their stories,” said junior Jayden Miller, “and they can get instant feedback or criticism or whatever you need, and it can also be a place we can get inspiration for your writings. There’s a ton of positive energy and a ton of ideas flying around the room.”
For students, there are many enjoyable characteristics that attract them to the club.
“It inspires me to write more than outside of the room,” said Miller, “and I think what I usually do is I write and I think of ideas and bounce ideas off of other people, then we spawn great things.”
It’s more about you as a person versus you with a class so you’re able to write what you want when you want,” said Economou. “If you can’t think of anything, we do give you prompts. If you want to have an atmosphere of people just like you who love writing, love creativity, please join.
Creative writing club meets on Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in room 215.