AURORA – From August 17 to August 21, all Waubonsie Valley High School students will participate in a Chromebook pick-up/exchange. Students will be receiving a new Chromebook for the 2020-2021 school year and will also have the opportunity to return any textbooks or LMC books from last school year.
Families are reminded that access to the building will not be available at any time, and they should remain in their vehicles at all times.
Families will enter via Stadium Drive, and proceed in a counter-clockwise motion around the parking lot to the return/receive point on the north side of the school. Students should have their last name and student ID number visible in their car window. Incoming freshmen should also include the middle school that they attended.
Freshmen students (A-Me) can attend on Monday, August 17, and freshmen students (Mi-Z) can attend on Tuesday, August 18. Sophomores through seniors can attend, according to alphabet, from Wednesday, August 19 through Friday, August 21.
For more information, visit