SPRINGFIELD – Waubonsie Valley’s youth and government club earned accolades at the 73rd Illinois YMCA Youth & Government State Assembly last weekend in Springfield.
At the assembly, students from various high schools act as delegates, competing for various government roles and proposing mock government bills. Senior Aayush Gupta lead the assembly from the state’s highest office, and freshman Shria Devarakonda was selected as state clerk/bailiff.
Mock attorneys for the Warriors were among the top two program in the state, winning 15 judicial awards, including one team in an oral argument competition called the “Thunderdome.”
Waubonsie passed four of their eight bills, while winning “most influential legislator” and “most influential lobbyist.”

(photo credit / @wvhsyag)
“It was good to get back to the State Capitol to personally, and politically, connect with 800 or so citizens from around the State that care about shaping how the State does its governing,” said social studies teacher and youth and government advisor Chris Wolak. “I am proud that our Waubonsie Valley delegation, once again, showed themselves to be among the very top student leaders in Illinois.”
Students met in person in Springfield for the first time since 2020, due to the pandemic. Youth and government advisors also include social studies teachers Dave Severance, Robin Chang, Kelly Prusila, and dean’s assistant Roland Hackler. For more information, visit Illinois YMCA Youth and Government.